How to group a list of tuples based on the strings they contain?


I have a sorted list of two-string tuples. I also have another list of 4 character strings that are in some of those tuples. I would like to group from one of these 4 character strings to the next in the list. It is a bit hard to explain so I will demonstrate.

original_list = [('1321', 01), ('MessageXZY', 02), ('DescriptionSKS', 03), ('S7_6', 04), ('S7_3', 05), ('0A3B', 06), ('MessageZYA', 07),
 ('DescriptionKAM', 08), ('9K44', 09), ('MessageYAL', 10),
 ('DescriptionAUS', 11), ('S7_2', 12)]

I have the terms 1321, OA3B and 9K44 saved in another list. I would like to group everything between (and including) these terms into a tuple, like so:

grouped_list = [(('1321', 01), ('MessageXZY', 02), ('DescriptionSKS', 03), ('S7_6', 04), ('S7_3', 05)), (('0A3B', 06), ('MessageZYA', 07),
 ('DescriptionKAM', 08)), (('9K44', 09), ('MessageYAL', 10),
 ('DescriptionAUS', 11), ('S7_2', 12))]

If the list that contains my 4 character terms is called code and the list containing the tuples is called original_list, what code would I need to achieve this?

Edit: This is where I have gotten up to:

grouped_list = []
for tuple in original_list:
    for string in tuple:
        if string in code:
            grouped_list = list(zip ##zip that tuple and all consecutive tuples until the next item in code

I am assuming that you have list of codes with which you want to split on. According to that see if this code works for you.

original_list = [('1321', '01'), ('MessageXZY', '02'), ('DescriptionSKS', '03'), ('S7_6', '04'), ('S7_3', '05'), ('0A3B', '06'), ('MessageZYA', '07'), ('DescriptionKAM', '08'), ('9K44', '09'), ('MessageYAL', '10'),
 ('DescriptionAUS', '11'), ('S7_2', '12')]

code_list = ['1321', '0A3B','9K44']

grouped_tuples = []
for entry in original_list:
    if entry[0] in code_list:
        new_tuple = []
        for i in range(original_list.index(entry)+1, len(original_list)):
            if(original_list[i][0] not in code_list):
print grouped_tuples

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