How can I delete the duplicate objects inside Array when I fetch newsApi


Hi I have some problem fetching specific information based on user choice. I want to fetch newsAPI , inside array there are objects contain countries. The user selects the country he wants by using dropdown, but there is an iterative country when I using map() it passes on all countries with duplicates, I tried to delete the duplicate, but it didn't work + I used reduce() but it didn't work either. Are there any tips and suggestions, maybe there is something I missed.


 <div class="ui container" id="seachCountry"></div>


    const apikey = '';
        async function getNews(){
            const response = await fetch(apikey);
            const data = await response.json();
         function printCards(data) {
             const header = document.querySelector('#seachCountry');
                 //Inside  "header.innerHTMI",  I put map() function to pass all items but I couldn't prevent duplicates
                 header.innerHTML += `
                         <select class='ui fluid selection dropdown select' onchange="getCountry(this.value)">
                         <option>select the country</option>
                         ${ countryName => `<option>${}</option>`)}
                         // print all country name using map and dispaly it to user in dropdown WIHT deplicate country name
         async function getCountry(e){
             if ( e !== 'select the country'){
                //Another Fetch based on user choice
                const response = await fetch(`${apikey}&country=${e}`)
                const data = await response.json();
                //It only shows the information of the country in which the user is interested
                document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = =>
                    `<div class="ui container card">
                        <div class="content">
                            <h4 class="header">${}</h4>
                        <div class="content">
                            <div class="desc">${countryName.description}</div>
                        <div class="extra content">
                                <a href=${countryName.url} target="_blank" class="ui button btn">Read more</a>

Look at this Picture to Clarify the Problem


You can filter the array to have only distinct values by using this function:

source.filter((item, index) => source.indexOf(item) === index);

So, in your case, where you are mapping to a list of options, it will be something like this:

function printCards(data) {
        const header = document.querySelector('#seachCountry');
        const countries = =>;
        const distinctCountries = countries.filter((country, index) => countries.indexOf(country) === index);

        header.innerHTML += `
                        <select class='ui fluid selection dropdown select' onchange="getCountry(this.value)">
                        <option>select the country</option>
                        ${ => `<option>${country}</option>`)}

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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