Gradle Sync: Wait for the other thread to finish acquiring the distribution never ends

Joe Rakhimov

Created new Android Studio project. But Gradle Sync never ends:

Gradle Sync: Wait for the other thread to finish acquiring the distribution

I have checked Android Studio does not download data:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I have checked internet connection, it is working but it is slow.

enter image description here

Is this because of a slow internet connection? If no, how to solve this problem?


I also met this problem. Then I found out that this is due to the gradle of the project dependency is not downloaded.

Ways to verify the problem:

Check if there is a gradle file in the directory.


Windows:C:\users\{user name}\.gradle\wrapper\dists

If the file does not exist in the directory, Then this is what led.

Ways to resolve the problem:

wo need to download the configuration file manually.

  1. Download the file(gradle) form according to the distributionUrl in the, infact You can modify it according to your needs.

    For example, in my, distributionUrl=https\:// So I should download the

  2. move the file( you downloaded to the deepest part of above directory.

    For example, in my pc, its final position is C:\Users\ufan0\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.1.1-all\97z1ksx6lirer3kbvdnh7jtjg.

    note: There will be undownloaded files in C:\Users\ufan0\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.1.1-all\97z1ksx6lirer3kbvdnh7jtjg when you check there first, you can delete them, then move the zip of gradle to there.

  3. Now you can restart the Android Studio, then choose File -> Sync Project With Gradle Files.

When these are all done, The Android Studio should be able to work properly.

note: In order to avoid this type of situation the next time, you can choose to configure the Setting -> Gradle -> Use local gradle distribution.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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