How to return generic class with opaque type

Den Andreychuk

How can I return opaque type for generic class?

func makeFAQController() -> UIHostingController<some View> {
    let viewModel = FAQViewModel()
    let view = FAQView().environmentObject(viewModel)
    let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: view)
    return controller

Error: Cannot convert value of type 'UIHostingController<some View>' to type 'UIHostingController<FAQView>' in coercion

func makeFAQController() -> UIHostingController<FAQView> {
    let viewModel = FAQViewModel()
    let view = FAQView().environmentObject(viewModel)
    let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: view)
    return controller

Cannot convert value of type 'UIHostingController<some View>' to type 'UIHostingController<FAQView>' in coercion

I want to avoid type erasure if possible.


You should return base class (there is nothing more generic then base class, probably only meta NSObject), so

func makeFAQController() -> UIViewController {    // << here !!
    let viewModel = FAQViewModel()
    let view = FAQView().environmentObject(viewModel)
    let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: view)
    return controller

Collected from the Internet

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