Is there a way to produce Kafka messages with headers using Kafka Confluent REST API?


I'm trying to send messages to Kafka with some custom headers, but I could't find a way to do it. According to the documatation, The POST /topics/(string: topic_name) API does not have a way to attach custom headers to messages.

Does anyone know a way to send Kafka messages with custom headers through the confluent Kafka REST API?

Here is my sample request body I sent to the REST proxy

POST /topics/stream.mycustomtopic

    "records": [{
        "value": "{\"myFirstKey\":\"myFirstValue\"}"
Robin Moffatt

You are correct, the REST Proxy does not currently support Kafka Headers. You would need to use the Producer API to set the headers.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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