Call to undefined method create() error


I want to save my images with using save_image() function in media model..

Here is my media model;

class Media extends Model
public function save_image($file)
        $realname = str_slug(pathinfo($file->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME));
        $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $new_name = str_slug($realname) . "-" . time() . "." . $extension;
        $file->move(public_path('uploads'), $new_name);

        $image = DB::create([
            'image' => $new_name,
            'image_path' => "uploads/" . $new_name,
            'image_alt_name' => $realname
        return $image;

in my controller;

public function storeMedia(Request $request)

        'image'=> 'required|mimes:jps,png,gif,jpeg'

    $media = new Media();

    return response()->json([
        'url'=> env('APP_URL')."/".$image->image_path,
        'alt' => $image->image_alt_name,
        'id' => $image->id,

Are we have to say DB::table('media') at the first ? I mean, we are already on media model, is that necesary ?

Adnan Mumtaz

You are not specifying the table name in your code.

Here is the Solution

$image = DB::table('media')->create([
        'image' => $new_name,
        'image_path' => "uploads/" . $new_name,
        'image_alt_name' => $realname


$image = Media::create([
        'image' => $new_name,
        'image_path' => "uploads/" . $new_name,
        'image_alt_name' => $realname

You can also use $this->create

Hope this helps

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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