Convert integers inside a list into strings and then a date in python 3.x


i've just started studying python in college and i have a problem with this exercise: basically i have to take a list of integers, like for example [10,2,2013,11,2,2014,5,23,2015], turn the necessary elements to form a date into a string, like ['1022013',1122014,5232015] and then put a / between the strings so i have this ['10/2/2013', '11/22/2014','05/23/2015']. It needs to be a function, and the length of the list is assumed to be a multiple of 3. How do i go about doing this? I wrote this code to start:

def convert(lst):
     ...:     for element in lst:
     ...:      result = str(element)
     ...:      return result

but from a list [1,2,3] only returns me '1'.

Patrick Haugh

To split your list into size 3 chunks you use a range with a step of 3

for i in range(0, len(l), 3):

And joining the pieces with / is as simple as

'/'.join([str(x) for x in l[i:i+3]])

Throwing it all together into a function:

def make_times(l):
    results = []
    for i in range(0, len(l), 3):
        results.append('/'.join([str(x) for x in l[i:i+3]]))
    return results

Collected from the Internet

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