How to accept RequestBody of different class types dynamically


I am using Spring Boot . Writing rest api's where for the same api url , the request json structure varies Is there any way we can apply Factory design or some thing else

    @RequestMapping(value = "/myservice/{type}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> myServiceApi(@PathVariable String type,
        @RequestBody SomeClass1 somereq) {
    // here based on type , the RequestBody can be either SomeClass1 or SomeClass2 
    // both the SomeClass1 and SomeClass2 has nothing in common .


The above code will work only if the request json is in SomeClass1 format , but i needed it to accept among {SomeClass1 , SomeClass2}


You could do this by passing the JSON as a String into your controller method and then mapping this to whichever object you expect to need:

@PostMapping(value = "/myservice/{type}")
public ResponseEntity<?> myServiceApi(@PathVariable String type,
         @RequestBody String somereq) {
     ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    if (<something that indicates SomeClass1>) {
        SomeClass1 someClass1 = mapper.readValue(somereq, SomeClass1.class);
    } else if (<something that indicates SomeClass2>) {
        SomeClass2 someClass2 = mapper.readValue(somereq, SomeClass2.class);

Although to be honest if you really are expecting bodies with completely different structures my advice would be to just make separate API calls for these.

Collected from the Internet

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