Custom consumer implementation factory with Microsoft Dependency Injection

Emir Kljucanin

Is there a way to register Consumer like the service below:

services.AddTransient < IMyService > (provider => {
  return new MyServiceImplementation(2);

with AddConsumer<T>() method?

What I need is a custom implementation of Consumer factory because it will be injected with a different instance of one of its dependencies depending on the configuration.

Chris Patterson

MassTransit registers the consumer added via AddConsumer as shown below:


You're welcome to create your own register after configuring MassTransit, which should replace the one registered by MassTransit. In your example above, it could be something like:

services.AddScoped<TConsumer>(provider =>
    var options = provider.GetService<SomeOptions>();
    if (options.UseFirst)
        return new TConsumer(provider.GetRequiredService<Impl1>()
    return new TConsumer(provider.GetRequiredService<Impl2>()

You get the picture, right?

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