background: transparent; vs background: 0 0; differences and threats


I've noticed that background: transparent is changed into background: 0 0; using less. I'm using grunt-contrib-less in 1.4.1 version that uses "less": "~2.7.1" to transform less to css. What these 0 0 in background are responsible for? Are there any treats resulting from using background: 0 0 instead of background: transparent? I tried to google this but i couldn't find anything that will explain me that

Aravind Reddy

Practically you will not get any treats by using the property background: 0 0; rather background: transparent
what exactly this background: 0 0 is short hand notation of

background-image: initial;
background-position-x: 0;
background-position-y: 0;
background-size: initial;
background-repeat-x: initial;
background-repeat-y: initial;
background-attachment: initial;
background-origin: initial;
background-clip: initial;
background-color: initial;

Where every background property is set to initial and background position is set to 0 0 and answer for your another question why Less is changing background:transparent to background: 0 0 is IE7 or below doesnt support transparent property so Less is changing it into another shorthand notation which gives the same output

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