Running a shell script to initialize pods in kubernetes (initializing my db cluster)

Shachar Hamuzim Rajuan

I need to be able to run a shell script (my script is for initializing my db cluster) to initialize my pods in Kubernetes,

I don't want to create my script inside my dockerfile because I get my image directly from the web so I don't want to touch it.

So I want to know if there is a way to get my script in to one of my volumes so I can execute it like that:

  - name: command-demo-container
    image: debian
    command: ["./"]
  restartPolicy: OnFailure
Shachar Hamuzim Rajuan

I finally decided to take the approach of creating a config file with the script we want to run and then call this configmap from inside the volume.

this is a short explanation:

In my pod.yaml file there is a VolumeMount called "/pgcong" which is the directory that the docker image reads any SQL script that you put there and run it when the pod is starting. And inside Volumes I will put the configmap name (postgres-init-script-configmap) which is the name of the config defined inside the configmap.yaml file.

There is no need to create the configmap using kubernetes, The pod will take the configuration from the configmap file as long as you place it in the same directory as the pod.yaml .

my POD yaml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: "{{}}"
    name: "{{}}"
    fsGroup: 26
  restartPolicy: {{default "Always" .Values.restartPolicy}}

  - name: {{}}
    image: "{{.Values.image.repository}}/{{.Values.image.container}}:{{.Values.image.tag}}"
    - containerPort: {{.Values.container.port}}
    - name: PGHOST
      value: /tmp
    - name: PG_PRIMARY_USER
      value: primaryuser
    - name: PG_MODE
      value: primary
        cpu: {{ .Values.resources.cpu }}
        memory: {{ .Values.resources.memory }}
    - mountPath: /pgconf
      name: init-script
      readOnly: true
  - name: init-script
      name: postgres-init-script-configmap

my configmap.yaml (Which contains the SQL script that will initial the DB):

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: postgres-init-script-configmap
  setup.sql: |-
    CREATE USER david WITH PASSWORD 'david';

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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