dynamic translation with I18Next and Aurelia

Neglected Sanity

I have an aurelia app that I am integrating I18Next with, I have the Aurelia integration working and it was all going smoothly, until I came upon our menu. For normal translations we are just using the html attributes like so...

<a href="somelink" i18n="link1">Link 1</a>

then in translation.json files you have

  link1: "some translation here"

and that works great, it translates perfectly. The problem I can't figure out is how to handle dynamic stuff, like for example our menu. We are doing a repeat.for to make the menu, but how do I tell I18Next what key to use from the translations.json file? Here is a simplified example of what I mean.

<li repeat.for="item of router.navigation">
  <a href.bind="item.href" class="${item.isActive? 'is_active' : ''}>

Given the above layout, how can you possibly tell I18Next what keys to use for translation, since it is done in a loop. I have tried a few things, but all have failed. I am really stuck here, I need to get this to translate using the translation.json files, but I have no idea how to tell it what key to use for the translation, is it "home", "about", "contact", ...? Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.


Just like any other attribute, you can bind to your i18n attribute with aurelia. Using the following syntax:

<a i18n.bind="'navigation.' + item.title"></a>

I18n will look for a key in your resources file with the name navigation.[item.title], so if the item.title variable equals to "home", it will look for a key named navigation.home.

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