Using runsettings file when running NUnit tests via command line


I created a runsettings file which looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Parameter name ="environment" value="PROD" />

And then in my TestSetup portion (using LeanFT for UI tests) I specify that the target environment is contained under a paramater called environment

string env= TestContext.Parameters["environment"];

This doesnt seem to work, and I am not getting any particular error messages. Is this the right way to do this, or is there an easier way to just use Environment and something I pass into the command line.


You should be more specific than "via the commandline" since there are a number of ways that folks run NUnit tests from the command-line.

If you are using the nunit3-console.exe runner, you pass run parameters to the framework using the --params option, for example:

nunit3-console my.test.dll --params "environment=PROD"

The .runsettings file is an artifact used by Visual Studio and recognized by the NUnit VS adapter, but not by NUnit itself.

You can use that from the command-line as well, using vstest.console.exe. If that's what you are using, you want the /Settings option in order to specify the file.

Two answers for the price of one! But if you are using neither nunit-console nor vstest.console you'll have to ask again. ;-)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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