Python Pandas How to calculate the average of every other row in a column

import pandas as pd

data = {'Pressure' : [100,112,114,120,123,420,123,1230,132,1,23,13,13,13,123,13,123,3,222,2303,1233,1233,1,1,30,20,40,401,10,40,12,122,1,12,333]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

If I had this example DF, is there an easy way to calculate the average of every other row in the column? I would like there to be an average of rows 1,3,5,7... etc and also an average of rows 2,4,6,8,10.... I was not sure what the best way to do this would be.


We can get the mean for the even rows this way :

>>> df.iloc[::2].mean() 
Pressure    153.111111
dtype: float64

In the brackets, the syntax is : start(do nothing):stop(do nothing):step_count(2).
So for evens you'd start at 0, go to end, increment by 2.

And we can do the following for the odds rows :

>>> df.iloc[1::2].mean()
Pressure    356.294118
dtype: float64

For odds, we start at 1, go to end, increment by 2.

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