How to convert integers to numerals


The following code only converts the integers to numerals up to 1010. At that point, an error starts to occur.

class Solution:
    def intToRoman(self, num: int) -> str:
        numerals = {
            1: "I", 
            4: "IV", 
            5: "V", 
            10: "X",
            40: "XL",
            50: "L", 
            90: "XC",
            100: "C", 
            400: "CD",
            500: "D", 
            900: "CM",
            1000: "M"
        output = ""

        for k,v in sorted(numerals.items(), reverse=True):
            while num >= k:
                output += v
                num -= k
        return output

I am looping through the numerals dictionary from greatest to least number wise and getting the ints (v) and the numerals (k)

Then I am using a while loop to see if the number is >= value (v)

After that output will be added to the numerals (k), and number (num) will be subtracted from the integer (v).

Then I return value.

I was thinking of doing something like an if statement maybe like:

if num < v:
   # code

Whenever I try adding that, I get a "Time Limit Exceeded"

Tim Roberts

I'm not sure what you're seeing. When I fix your typos, this code produces good results.

However, in the interest of micro-optimization, I've replaced your unnecessary dictionary with a tuple that is already in order:

class Solution:
    numerals = (
        ("M", 1000),
        ("CM", 900),
        ("D", 500), 
        ("CD", 400), 
        ("C", 100), 
        ("XC", 90),
        ("L", 50), 
        ("XL", 40), 
        ("X", 10), 
        ("IX", 9),
        ("V", 5), 
        ("IV", 4), 
        ("I", 1), 
    def intToRoman(self, num: int) -> str:
        output = ""

        for k,v in self.numerals:
            while num >= v:
                output += k 
                num -= v
        return output

s = Solution()
print( s.intToRoman( 10 ) )
print( s.intToRoman( 19 ) )
print( s.intToRoman( 4345 ) )

Collected from the Internet

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