Javascript Replacing nested array of objects with updated object


I have 2 array of objects. I'd like to update/replace the nested object "comments" of collection1 with the matching object of collection2 where collection1.comments._id === collection2.cid in the same order.

collection1: [
  0:  {
        "_id": "6104844e42c23e6d215651cd",
        "comments": [
                "_id": "6143e24273c10e4658852063",
                "user": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
                "comment": "Beautiful Day Outside"
                "_id": "6143e24673c10e4658852065",
                "user": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
                "comment": "Let us go for a picnic"
                "_id": "6145d58519a1d70d89512c9c",
                "user": "6144eef7d01acc2a77f4219c",
                "comment": "taking time to smell the flowers"
 1:   {
        "_id": "6104842e42c23e6d215651ca",
        "comments": [
                "_id": "61472dab0224a10e11aa45f8",
                "user": "6144eef7d01acc2a77f4219c",
                "comment": "Baking cookies for the party"
                "_id": "61472ecb9c2ece100a525c55",
                "user": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
                "comment": "Listening to the waves by the shore"

collection2: [
  0:  {
        "cid": "6143e24273c10e4658852063",
        "uid": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
        "firstName": "mom",
        "lastName": "mom",
        "comment": "Beautiful Day Outsite"
  1:  {
        "cid": "6143e24673c10e4658852065",
        "uid": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
        "firstName": "mom",
        "lastName": "mom",
        "comment": "Let us go for a picnic"
  2:  {
        "cid": "61472dab0224a10e11aa45f8",
        "uid": "6144eef7d01acc2a77f4219c",
        "firstName": "james",
        "lastName": "james",
        "comment": "Baking cookies for the party"
  3:  {
        "cid": "61472ecb9c2ece100a525c55",
        "uid": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
        "firstName": "james",
        "lastName": "james",
        "comment": "Listening to the waves by the shore"

I've tried the map function: => collection2.find(o => o.cid === obj.comments._id) || obj);

But I get: TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined. I'm not sure what to do next. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


const collection1 = [
        "_id": "6104844e42c23e6d215651cd",
        "comments": [
                "_id": "6143e24273c10e4658852063",
                "user": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
                "comment": "Beautiful Day Outside"
                "_id": "6143e24673c10e4658852065",
                "user": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
                "comment": "Let us go for a picnic"
                "_id": "6145d58519a1d70d89512c9c",
                "user": "6144eef7d01acc2a77f4219c",
                "comment": "taking time to smell the flowers"

        "_id": "6104842e42c23e6d215651ca",
        "comments": [
                "_id": "61472dab0224a10e11aa45f8",
                "user": "6144eef7d01acc2a77f4219c",
                "comment": "Baking cookies for the party"
                "_id": "61472ecb9c2ece100a525c55",
                "user": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
                "comment": "Listening to the waves by the shore"

const collection2 = [
        "cid": "6143e24273c10e4658852063",
        "uid": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
        "firstName": "mom",
        "lastName": "mom",
        "comment": "Beautiful Day Outsite"
        "cid": "6143e24673c10e4658852065",
        "uid": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
        "firstName": "mom",
        "lastName": "mom",
        "comment": "Let us go for a picnic"
        "cid": "61472dab0224a10e11aa45f8",
        "uid": "6144eef7d01acc2a77f4219c",
        "firstName": "james",
        "lastName": "james",
        "comment": "Baking cookies for the party"
        "cid": "61472ecb9c2ece100a525c55",
        "uid": "6138b154e4c6a30dc5661da7",
        "firstName": "james",
        "lastName": "james",
        "comment": "Listening to the waves by the shore"

const updatedCollection1 = => {
  const updatedComments = => {
      const matched_comment = collection2.find(el => el.cid === col1_comment._id)
      return matched_comment
  return {...col1, comments: updatedComments}

console.log(updatedCollection1) approach can be as follows :

const updatedCollection1 = => {
       const updatedComments = => {
           const matched_comment = collection2.find(el => el.cid === col1_comment._id)
           return matched_comment
       return {...col1, comments: updatedComments}

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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