How to make Nuxt.js SSR with partially static pre-rendering pages


There are a lot of information either on Nuxt SSR, or going full static, but I can't find any guide how to build a hybrid SSR with static pages together.

I'm building a website with Nuxt SSR, and I want to pre-render all product pages statically from a 10MB JSON file.

I found an archived thread on Reddit, mentioned it's possible to create a middleware with the routes to be statically generated. I don't know how to achieve that, and hope I can get some help.


You will probably need to join the Nuxt Discord but this is how you could achieve it: first note that this is not an official way of doing things and we'll have something better coming out very soon. but if you really need this a workaround is as follows:

  • set target: 'server' (not static)
  • run nuxt build to create your ssr bundle
  • run nuxt generate --no-build (ideally set your routes via generate.routes in your nuxt config)
  • copy the generated dist folder contents into your static folder (or serve directly from your web server config)
  • nuxt start


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