Codeigniter multiple foreach loop


I have two tables meals type and meals. I want to print each meals corresponding to its meals type.

Error is that only showing last meals type meals only

view page is like


foreach ($mealstype as $type) {
    <h2><?php echo $type->type; ?></h2>
    <table class="table table-bordered">

        foreach ($meals as $meals_get) {
                <td><?php echo $meals_get->item; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $meals_get->price; ?></td>

        <?php } ?>
            <td> <input type="checkbox" class="ck" value="total">  Toal</td>



function availability() {

    $this->data['mealstype'] = $this->Home_model->mealstype();
    foreach ($this->data['mealstype'] as $type) {
        $typeid = $type->id;
        $meals[] = $this->Home_model->meals($typeid, $hotel_id);
    $this->data['meals'] = $meals[];
    $this->load->view('home2', $this->data);

Please check this answer


public function availability() {  
    $build_array = array();
    mealstype= $this->Home_model->mealstype();
    foreach($mealstype as $row){
        $build_array[] = array(
        'parent_array' => $row,
        'child_array' =>$this->Home_model->meals($row->id,$hotel_id),
        'child_sum'     =>$this->Home_model->meals_sum($row->id,$hotel_id)
    $this->data['build_array'] = $build_array;

and the view page is like this:


<?php foreach($build_array as $type){?> 
<h2><?php echo $type['parent_array']->type;?></h2>
<table class="table table-bordered">
foreach ($type["child_array"] as $meals_get) {?>
        <td><?php echo $meals_get->item;?></td>
        <td><?php echo $meals_get->price;?></td>
<?php }?>
        <td>  Toal</td>
<?php } ?>

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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