Limit number of connections to instances with AWS ELB


We are using AWS classic ELB for our service and our service can only serve x number of requests at a time. If the number of requests are greater than x then we do not want to route those requests to the instance and neither do we want to lose those requests. We would like to limit the number of connections to the instances registered with the ELB. Is there some ELB setting to configure max connections to instances?

Another solution I could find was to use ELB connection draining but based on the ELB doc [1] , using connection draining will mark the instance as OutofService after serving in-flight requests. Does that mean the instance will be terminated and de-registered from ELB after in-flight requests are served? We do not want to terminate and de-register the instances, we just want to limit the number of connections to the instances. Any solutions?


Chris White

ELB is more meant to spread traffic evenly across instances registered for it. If you have more traffic, you throw up more instances to deal with it. This is generally why a load balancer is matched with an auto scaling group. The Auto Scaling Group will look at set constraints and based on that either spins up more instances or pulls them down (ie. your traffic starts to slow down).

Connection draining is more meant for pulling traffic from bad instances so it doesn't get lost. Bad instances mean they aren't passing health checks because something on the instance is broken. ELB by itself doesn't terminate instances, that's another part of what the Auto Scaling Group is meant to do (basically terminate the bad instance and spin up a new instance to replace it). All ELB does is stop sending traffic to it.

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