How Can I return two variables from same method/function to one view in laravel 5.4?

Danish Tahir

I'm a beginner with Laravel 5.4 but I'm stuck at some point. Please tell me how can I return two variables from one function / method to the same view. I've googled but all the contents are so old!!!

Here is my controller

public function index(Request $fetch){
      $category = Category::all();
      $fetch_cat = Category::find($fetch)->first();
      //$data = array('category' => $category, 'fetch_cat'=> $fetch_cat);
      return view('admin/create-menu', compact('data'));

I know I need to edit only this function and then in view I'll handle them.

Kris Roofe

You can do it like this:

$data = array('category' => $category, 'fetch_cat'=> $fetch_cat);
return view('admin/create-menu', $data);


return view('admin/create-menu', compact('category', 'fetch_cat'));

Collected from the Internet

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