How can I make the match fail if the first occurence of a pattern doesn't match a condition?


I have a comma-separated string of key=value pairs like this:


In this string I want to capture the value of the first foo, but only if it's immediately followed by bar=2.


  • In this string, the value 1 should be captured:

  • In this string, nothing should be captured:


My current solution uses a tempered greedy token, but that forces me to duplicate the foo=[^,]*, part of the regex:


Is there any way to do this without having to duplicate such a big part of the regex?


It's pretty easy with backtracking control verbs:


We match a position not preceded by a non-comma character (i.e. the start of the string or immediately after ,), followed by foo=, followed by 0 or more non-comma characters (which we capture). This is the foo=... part.

We then commit to the first match found and require a ,bar=2 match, not followed by a non-comma character (i.e. a , or the end of the string).

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