VS Code gives me an ssh_askpass error when I try to push the changes to my Github repository using the integrated git


I have this problem, I've created a Github repository to back up a project. I have normal SSH access to my repo from my Linux command line and I can push, pull, commit, sync and all that stuff with no problem. But when I try to use the VS Code github integration tool to push my changes it gives me this error:

Git: ssh_askpass: exec(usr/lib/ssh/ssh_askpass): No such file or directory.

I've looked for this file on the mentioned directory but all I've seen was a file named gassh_askpass.

I'm currently using Manjaro and VS Code 1.28.2


If depends also on your OS.

For instance, Microsoft/vscode/issue 32097 illustrates various MacOS workarounds::

In my case, it's caused by updating of mac OS, makes git lose passphrase of my ssh key.
After ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa, and REINSTALL vscode, this problem is fixed.


$ brew tap theseal/ssh-askpass
$ brew install ssh-askpass
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ssh-askpass /usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass


  • Download xQuartz latest version : https://www.xquartz.org
  • update and upgrade home-brew via 'brew update && brew upgrade'
  • link: $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ssh-askpass /usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass as @stargriv described above :-)
  • Start VSCode, should work now
  • You still have to type in your password every time when you connect to the server; if you don't want that, create a ssh-key file.

The OP Prabesh Bhattarai references "'ssh_askpass exec(/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-askpass) no such file or directory' error when I try to push in Git repo using VS Code"

If you use services like SSH keys, make sure you don't disable SSH Key Agent. It was a stupid mistake

If the SSH-agent is disabled, it cannot register the passphrase indeed.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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