Helm chart passing multiple environment values for single key


I am new to helm charts and I am trying to pass some environment variables to schema-registry


replicaCount: 1

  repository: confluentinc/cp-schema-registry
  tag: 5.0.0
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      value: "PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.x:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.x:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.x:9092"
      value: ""

But these environment variables are not passed to the pod.

I tried passing as part of install command, but it failed because I cannot pass multiple values, Can anyone please let me know how you have passed your multiple environment variables

ubuntu@ip-10-xx-x-xx:~/helm-test$ helm install helm-test-0.1.0.tgz --set SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.xx:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.xx:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.xx:9092,SCHEMA_REGISTRY_LISTENERS=
Error: failed parsing --set data: key "97:9092" has no value (cannot end with ,)

After trying to pass the environment values both inside the values.yaml file and also as install command

replicaCount: 1

  repository: confluentinc/cp-schema-registry
  tag: 5.0.0
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    - name:
       SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: "PLAINTEXT://10.xxx.x.xx:9092,PLAINTEXT://10.xxx.x.xx:9092,PLAINTEXT://10.xxx.x.xx.xxx:9092"

helm install helm-test-0.1.0.tgz --set env.name.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="PLAINTEXT://10.xx.x.xx:9092\,PLAINTEXT://10.xx.x.xx:9092\,PLAINTEXT://10.xx.x.xx:9092", --set env.nameSCHEMA_REGISTRY_LISTENERS=""

I escaped the commas since it was throwing an error Error: failed parsing --set data: key "xxx:9092" has no value (cannot end with ,)

I see that my environment values does not show when i try to describe a deployment.

kubectl describe deployment/crusty-aardwolf-helm-test
Name:                   crusty-aardwolf-helm-test
Namespace:              default
CreationTimestamp:      Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:23:37 +0000
Labels:                 app.kubernetes.io/instance=crusty-aardwolf
Annotations:            deployment.kubernetes.io/revision=1
Selector:               app.kubernetes.io/instance=crusty-aardwolf,app.kubernetes.io/name=helm-test
Replicas:               1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 0 available | 1 unavailable
StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds:        0
RollingUpdateStrategy:  25% max unavailable, 25% max surge
Pod Template:
  Labels:  app.kubernetes.io/instance=crusty-aardwolf
    Image:        confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:5.0.0
    Port:         80/TCP
    Host Port:    0/TCP
    Liveness:     http-get http://:http/ delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Readiness:    http-get http://:http/ delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Environment:  <none>

Why are my environment values not passed to my container? Can someone please point me in right direction.


The values.yaml is more for actual values. You can use go template substitutions if you'd like to but it's less common. (These substitutions get used later in a template)

When you specify --set in for example helm install --set foo=bar foo will be overridden by bar in the values.yaml file. What you may really want is something like this:

    SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: "PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.x:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.x:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.x:9092"

and then on the helm install command line:

helm install helm-test-0.1.0.tgz --set env.name.SCHEMA_REGISTRY_KAFKASTORE_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS="PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.xx:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.xx:9092,PLAINTEXT://xx.xxx.xx.xx:9092" --set env.nameSCHEMA_REGISTRY_LISTENERS=""

More information on how to set the values here.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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