How to use query to filter data based on certain conditions in google sheet


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Hi everyone,

I have 3 conditions from column B to column D. T= to the condition fulfilled in that particular date and F otherwise. All the 3 conditions have their own T and F in each date.

What I want to achieve is:

When I select On for condition 1, Off for condition 2 and On for condition 3, the QUERY function able to ignore the Condition 2 and give me the rows of the date where Condition 1 = T and Condition 3 = T. So basically if the Condition 2 is Off, then the query function will just looking at Condition 1 and 3 and extract the date where Condition 1 and Condition 3 is equal to T.

The data in column F is the expected output based on the On Off condition in B2:B4. May I know is there any way that I can achieve this automation? Any help will be greatly appreciated!

This is my sheet:

Mike Steelson

Try, in C2 =if(B2="On","B='T'",) then C3 =if(B3="On","C='T'",) then C4 =if(B4="On","D='T'",) then in C5

=textjoin(" and ",true,C2:C4)


=QUERY(A8:D16,"Select A " & if(C5="",,"where "&C5&" "),1)

Collected from the Internet

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