How to trigger an rxjs observable

A. L

Using rxjs v6

So I have multiple variables that I want to track/observe, and when any of them change, trigger an Observable to call an API, which then updates something else based on those variables.

I thought I could maybe trigger an event on a div to force the observable to do something, but it's not returning results based on what I want


var a, b, c, d // if any updates, should trigger div "update" event

let obs = fromEvent(this.$refs.updater, "update")
        switchMap(i => {return this.callAnAPI()})

var update = new Event("update")

However, there is no subscribe method on the observable. I was trying to modify one of my other Observables (which works)

fromEvent(input, "keyup")
        map(i => i.currentTarget.value),
        switchMap(value => 
   = 1
            if (ajax)
                return ajax
                return this.axiosAjax({
                    data: {
                        [term]: value

Based on the title of your question, I'm speculating that your custom event is just a means to an end.

If so, I don't think it's actually necessary. If you want "outside" influence (or a trigger) over an observable, use a Subject.

For example:

const { fromEvent, merge, of, Subject } = rxjs;
const { switchMap, delay } = rxjs.operators;

// fake api
const fakeApi$ = of(Math.random()).pipe(

// store a reference to the subject
const triggerApi$ = new Subject();

// apply behavior
const api$ = triggerApi$.pipe(
    () => {
      console.log('switching to api call');

      // delegate to api call
      return fakeApi$;

// activate (handle result)
api$.subscribe((result) => {
  console.log('api result', result);

// some outside triggers
const fooClicks$ = fromEvent(document.getElementById('foo'), 'click');
const barClicks$ = fromEvent(document.getElementById('bar'), 'click');
const bazChanges$ = fromEvent(document.getElementById('baz'), 'change');

// combined
const updates$ = merge(fooClicks$, barClicks$, bazChanges$);

// activate
<script src="[email protected]/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>

<button id="foo">foo</button>
<button id="bar">bar</button>
<textarea id="baz"></textarea>

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