How do you add data to an option tag?

Kenneth Rhodes

I'd like to add a data value to an option tag in a select element. For example data-price but my problem is that I have multiple select tags. So how do I get JavaScript to grab the data value of that option that the user selects?

How I want it to work:
Select element #1 contains:

<select onchange="updatePrice()">
<option data-price="1">Apple $1</option>
<option data-price="2">Potato $2</option>
<option data-price="3">Bag of Grapes $3</option>

Select element #2 contains:

<select onchange="updatePrice()">
<option data-price="5">Really good cake</option>
<option data-price="15">Super Good Cake</option>

Then I'm honestly not sure what to do in the JS... But I want it to grab what the user selected, get the data-price then calculate the total (just by adding select1 + select2).

EDIT: My answer is different than this question because my question is more specific and requires different methods. Even though this is specific it could help a developer in the future by the answers it gets. Therefore it is not a duplicate but a more specific question than the other. Though that question has a simpler answer that could be plugged in if the developer knows how to.


This is a bit tricky. You need to give an identifier so our code won't get confused.

<select id="goods1" onchange="updatePrice(this)">
    <option data-price="0">Select one</option>
    <option data-price="1">Apple $1</option>
    <option data-price="2">Potato $2</option>
    <option data-price="3">Bag of Grapes $3</option>

<select id="goods2" onchange="updatePrice(this)">
    <option data-price="0">Select one</option>
    <option data-price="5">Really good cake</option>
    <option data-price="15">Super Good Cake</option>

First, add a global variable to storing current price. Second, store the identifier and the price value. Finally, manipulate the current price.

  let price = 0;
  let stored = {};

  const updatePrice = elm => {
    const id =;
    const selectedPrice = parseInt(
      ).filter(x => x.selected)[0].dataset.price

    price = 0;
    stored[id] = selectedPrice;

    Object.keys(stored).forEach(key => price += stored[key]);

    console.log(`Price: ${price}`);

Collected from the Internet

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