bootstrap slider isn't working using dom

zecao lu

I want to dynamically create bootstrap slider, so I decided to using dom to create one.

Now my js code is like this:

  const newItem = document.createElement('input');
  newItem.setAttribute('id', 'slider');
  newItem.setAttribute('type', 'text');
  newItem.setAttribute('data-provide', 'slider');
  newItem.setAttribute('data-slider-min', '1');
  newItem.setAttribute('data-slider-max', '3');
  newItem.setAttribute('data-slider-step', '1');
  newItem.setAttribute('data-slider-value', '1');
  newItem.setAttribute('data-slider-tooltip', 'hide');

But it only displays a text box, I use Chrome dev tool to inspect the element, it looks like this:

<input id="slider" type="text" data-provide="slider" data-slider-min="1" data-slider-max="3" data-slider-step="1" data-slider-value="1" data-slider-tooltip="hide">

My configuration seems right because I create a slider successfully using html, like this:


In bootstrap-slider, it said:

Create an input element with the data-provide="slider" attribute automatically turns it into a slider.

So the problem seems like that bootstrap-slider did not interpret my attribute.

Abhishek Raj

I guess you need to initialize your slider something like this (if you're not using jQuery):

// Instantiate a slider
var mySlider = new Slider(newItem, {
   // initial options object
   step: 1,    
   min: 1,
   value: 1,
   tooltip: 'hide'

So, In your case, if you also want to build a dynamic input and then attach a slider to it, your whole code would look like this:

// Create an input element dynamically
var newItem = document.createElement('input');

const body = document.querySelector('body');
// Add your new created element to body (or any other div)

// Instantiate a slider
var mySlider = new Slider(newItem, {
   // initial options object
   step: 1,    
   min: 1,
   value: 1,
   tooltip: 'hide'

Here I built a live demo for you:

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