How can i use requestBody to upload an image as binary in phoenix/Elixir

Zubair Nabi

So far i have been using

    swagger_path :create_tag do
    post "/tag"
    produces "application/json"
    description "register Tags"
    consumes "multipart/form-data"        
    parameters do 
    image :formData, :file,  "The file to upload.", required: true
    response 200, "Success"

However i would like to use requestBody to get the binary data of the image, with above i am getting the image path, and have to work on Plug.Upload in controller.

would like to know the syntax using the requestBody of swagger in phoenix

Mike Buhot

Binary file uploads are not supported in the swagger 2.0 spec used in phoenix_swagger:

Uploads where the payload is just the raw file contents are not supported in Swagger 2.0, because they are not multipart/form-data. That is, Swagger 2.0 does not support something like:

curl --upload-file

The open_api_spex package targets swagger 3.0, which supports binary requestBody operations.

Collected from the Internet

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