Set Focus for component in VueJS


This is my code.

import Datepicker from 'vuejs-datepicker'

if(this.DOB > this.dateOfJoin){
  alert("DOB should not be greater than Date of Join.asd.!")
<div class="form-group">
  <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Date of Birth</label>
  <datepicker v-model="DOB" name="DOB"  ref="dob" class="required"></datepicker>

I am using the vuejs-datepicker component, but I cannot set focus on the datepicker.


After reading through the docs, I recommend a different approach. The datepicker has a disabled property. This allows you to specify a from property that the date cannot be greater than and a to property that the date cannot be earlier than. So if you do not want users to select a date of birth greater than the date they joined, set the from property to the date joined.

In data properties

    dobDisabled:{ from: <date joined> }

And on the datepicker,

<datepicker :disabled="dobDisabled"></datepicker>

That will prevent users from picking an invalid date.

Here is an example.


It looks like the datepicker you are using renders a readonly input element, which I expect cannot get focus. In any case, the component which wraps the input does not support a focus method.

    :type="inline ? 'hidden' : 'text'"
    :class="[ inputClass, { 'form-control' : bootstrapStyling } ]"

Instead you might try showing the calendar.


Collected from the Internet

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