Global Function not returning the correct values

Bruno Stühler

I'm trying to compile the first non zero value of a vector, using a global function. But as I compile, it returns the original value k1=k2=1, when it's supposed to be k1=0 and k2=2. No? My code looks like this:


int primeiro(float vec[], int f)


 return f;

int main()

float poli1[4]={1,2,3,4}, poli2[4]={0,0,5,6};
int k1=1, k2=1, i;

printf(" \n");

for(i=0; i<4; i++)
     printf("%g\t", poli1[i]);

printf("\n \n");

for(i=0; i<4; i++)
     printf("%g\t", poli2[i]);

printf("\n \n");

primeiro(poli1, k1);
printf("%d \n", k1);
primeiro(poli2, k2);
printf("%d \n", k2);

You never change k1 and k2, so they have their original value.


primeiro(poli1, k1);
primeiro(poli2, k2);

was meant to be

k1 = primeiro(poli1, k1);
k2 = primeiro(poli2, k2);

Collected from the Internet

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