Using define directive to get the namespace name


Having such a simple C++ code:

#include <iostream>

#define NS NS_Static
#define MAKESTRING(x) #x

namespace NS {
  int global_x = 8;
  void print_global_x() {
    std::cout << MAKESTRING(NS) << "::global_x: " << global_x << std::endl;

I'h expected to get on output NS_Static::global_x: 8 BUT getting just NS::global_x: 8. I've asked a similar question earlier and the user Eljay provided me an answer to use such an extra code:

#define NS Static

It finally works but can someone please explain my why my original approach doesn't work?

carcinogenic game


Macro arguments are completely macro-expanded before they are substituted into a macro body, unless they are stringized or pasted with other tokens.

In your original function:

#define NS NS_Static
#define MAKESTRING(x) #x

The marco argument is stringized, so NS will not be replaced by NS_Static.

Collected from the Internet

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