React update useState() when variable value changes

shanksu 218

How to update UseState() when variable 'matchUrl' changes. when navigating to another route the 'matchUrl' value changes. and the changes is reflected on console.log and on the 'h1' tag. but not the usestate(), it keeps the old value.

import React, {useState} from 'react'
import useInfinityScroll from './hooks/useInfinityScroll'
import names form './data/names'    

function TableList({ match }) {
   let matchUrl =

   const dataMatch = names.filter(name => name.occupation === matchUrl)

   const [listNames, setListNames] = useState(dataMatch.slice(0, 10))

   const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useInfinityScroll(fetchMoreListItems) //fetches more items when scrolling to bottom of page

   function fetchMoreListItems() {
    setTimeout(() {
      setListNames([...dataMatch.slice(0, 20)])
    }, 2000)

   return (

         {listNames.filter(name => name.occupation === matchUrl).map(listNames => <Table key={} name={listNames} />)}

 export default TableList

useState hook takes initial value of the state as an argument, but it only assign the initial value to the state at the component mounting phase, not during re-rendering of the component if anything changes. Therefore, after initial rendering, state won't be changed even if the dataMatch variable changes.

Therefore, you need to have useEffect hook having dependency on dataMatch variable to keep track on its changes. Then you will be able to update the state when you've component re-rendering.

Use the following way to update the state.

  useEffect(() => {
    setListNames(dataMatch.slice(0, 10));
  }, [dataMatch]);

For more information on useEffect hook, please refer

Hope this will solve your issue.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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