Trying to sort an array of objects using usort in php

Matt Anderson

I'm working on a WordPress site, trying to sort post tags, which is an array of objects with various members including slug and name. I've created an array of tag slug strings in priority order, and trying to sort a post's array of tags according to that array's values, with the post's slug as the key. Example:

$tagPriorityMap = array(
  "research" => 0,
  "strategy" => 1,
  "naming" => 2,
  "identity" => 3,
  "packaging" => 4,
  "environment" => 5,
  "digital" => 6,
function sort_tags($a, $b) {
  if ($tagPriorityMap[$a->slug] == $tagPriorityMap[$b->slug]) {
    return 0;
  return ($tagPriorityMap[$a->slug] < $tagPriorityMap[$b->slug]) ? -1 : 1;

If I echo some code inside the sort_tags function, it shows that $a->slug is a string like "strategy", but it also shows that $tagPriorityMap[$a->slug] returns no value. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.


your $tagPriorityMap must be declared as a global variable inside the function. Jut try:

function sort_tags($a, $b) {
  global $tagPriorityMap;
  if ($tagPriorityMap[$a->slug] == $tagPriorityMap[$b->slug]) {
    return 0;
  return ($tagPriorityMap[$a->slug] < $tagPriorityMap[$b->slug]) ? -1 : 1;

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