Disabling Submit button on click with useRef (to prevent double clicks) inside a Formik form causes Formik submission to break

gene b.

I have a Formik form as below, and it works OK in its original implementation. One extra feature I had to add is that when the Submit button is clicked, I have to disable it, to prevent double-clicks. I followed the example here which is to define a ref={submitBtnRef} on a button. But after inserting this code in the onClick, Formik doesn't submit anymore, it just stops. If I remove this new code everything works. There are no validation errors; I output Formik's errors and it's empty. Also no console errors.

const submitForm = async (formValues) => {
    const url = '/app/submitAgreement';
    let obj = {'formValues': formValues};
    await axios.post(url, obj);

// Define a Submit Button Ref for disabling in Submit's onClick() below
let submitBtnRef = useRef();

    onSubmit={ (values) => {
        submitForm(values); // Calls submitForm() function if there are no errors
        ({handleSubmit, handleChange, handleBlur, setFieldValue, setFieldTouched, values, touched, isValid, errors}) 
        => (

            <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> {/* Form starts here */}
            <Button type="submit" ref={submitBtnRef}
                    onClick={() => { 
                       // If I remove this Ref-Disable code it works, but I need to disable Submit
                       if(submitBtnRef.current) {
                          submitBtnRef.current.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
                       // The default form-submit method specified in the Formik Form, submitForm(),
                       // will now be executed if there are no validation errors
Ro Milton

Don't manipulate the DOM directly. The link you provided is outdated and has some misleading information. Instead, set attribute disabled in JSX. You can simply use Formik's isSubmitting value:

const submitForm = async (formValues) => {
    const url = '/app/submitAgreement';
    let obj = {'formValues': formValues};
    await axios.post(url, obj);

    onSubmit={ (values) => {
        submitForm(values); // Calls submitForm() function if there are no errors
        ({handleSubmit, handleChange, handleBlur, setFieldValue, setFieldTouched, values, touched, isValid, errors, isSubmitting}) 
        => (

            <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> {/* Form starts here */}
            <Button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}

And if you want the button to stay disabled:

const [isSubmitted, setIsSubmitted] = useState(false);


const submitForm = async (formValues) => {
    const url = '/app/submitAgreement';
    let obj = {'formValues': formValues};
    await axios.post(url, obj);

<Button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting || isSubmitted}

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