Java: how do I check if a Date is within a certain range?

Mike Sickler :

I have a series of ranges with start dates and end dates. I want to check to see if a date is within that range.

Date.before() and Date.after() seem to be a little awkward to use. What I really need is something like this pseudocode:

boolean isWithinRange(Date testDate) {
    return testDate >= startDate && testDate <= endDate;

Not sure if it's relevant, but the dates I'm pulling from the database have timestamps.

Paul Tomblin :
boolean isWithinRange(Date testDate) {
   return !(testDate.before(startDate) || testDate.after(endDate));

Doesn't seem that awkward to me. Note that I wrote it that way instead of

return testDate.after(startDate) && testDate.before(endDate);

so it would work even if testDate was exactly equal to one of the end cases.

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