Convert async function to RxJs Observable


To prevent writing a certain amount of code, such as this example:

    public getDataSet() : Observable<any>
        return new Observable(observer => {
            if (this.dataset === undefined) {
                this.get().subscribe(data => {
                    this.dataset = new DataSet(data) ;
                    observer.complete() ;
                }) ;
            else {
                observer.complete() ;
        }) ;

I would like to use async/await feature but still return an Observable to remain consistent in using asynchronous data gathering services.

Thus according to RxJs's documentation, I should be using from() operator.

Here is what I try to implement (which looks much more concise) :

import { Observable, from } from 'rxjs' ;
        return from(async () => { // ✘ error
            if (this.dataset === undefined) this.dataset = new DataSet(await this.get().toPromise()) ;
            return this.dataset ;
        }) ;

However, TypeScript doesn't recognize async () => {} as an ObservableInput, but it does recognize this one :

import { Observable, from } from 'rxjs' ;
        return from(new Promise((resolve) => { // ✔ valid
            if (this.dataset === undefined) {
                this.get().toPromise().then(data => {
                    this.dataset = new DataSet(data) ;
                    resolve(this.dataset) ;
                }) ;
            else resolve(this.dataset) ;
        })) ;

Though, JavaScript's async keyword makes a function always return a Promise.

console.log((async () => {}) ())
// Promise {}

Is there a way to make the from() RxJs operator accepting async promises ?

Roberto Zvjerković

Async function returns a promise when called, before that it's just a function.

function fromAsyncFunction(): Observable<number> {
    return from((async () => {
      return 1;
    })()); // Call it

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