RxJs - Join result of observable with other asynchronous values


I'm trying to merge 2 object arrays (each one I get from different apis and are of different types). The merge will be done on the last method but first I need to get both lists out of their observables. I need to do something like this:

this.result$ = this.firstValues$.pipe(
  function((firstValues) => firstValues.map(firstValue => this.secondApi.fetch(firstValue.id))),
  function((firstValues, secondValues) => this.fillFirstWithSecond(firstValues, secondValues))

Any ideas?

EDIT #1:

The function this.secondApi.fetch returns an Observable<SecondValue>.

Michael D

The question is quite obtuse. I assume by function you mean RxJS operators. In that case, you'd need to make quite a few changes. Although it would be much simpler to also attach a sample input with expected output.

this.result$ = this.firstValues$.pipe(
  switchMap((firstValues) =>
    forkJoin(                         // <-- trigger requests in parallel
      firstValues.map(firstValue =>   // <-- JS `Array#map` function
          map(secondValue => ({       // <-- include the `firstValue` in `secondApi`'s response
            firstValue: firstValue,
            secondValue: secondValue
  map((values: {firstValue: any, secondValue: any}[]) => {
    this.fillFirstWithSecond(values.firstValues, values.secondValues)

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