i am trying to sort a vector of certain user defined data type but it is giving me syntax error c++


While solving a certain ds algo question,I had to sort the array using a custom comparator.I don't know why is it showing me errors at that particular line


 using namespace std;
 struct train{
      int platform,arrive,depart;
 bool compare(train x,train y)
     return x.depart<y.depart;

 int maxTrains(vector<train> arr[])
     int ans=0;
     return ans;
 int main()
     return 0;

Error message: no instance of overloaded function "sort" matches the argument list -- argument types are: (std::vector<train, std::allocator> *, , bool (train x, train y))[13,6]

{ "resource": "/F:/programming/dsa cracker sheet/maximum trains for which stoppage can be provided/max-trains.cpp", "owner": "C/C++", "code": "153", "severity": 8, "message": "expression must have class type but it has type "std::vector<train, std::allocator> *"", "source": "C/C++", "startLineNumber": 13, "startColumn": 19, "endLineNumber": 13, "endColumn": 22 }[13,19]


There are several things wrong. First, This line is really saying vector<train>* arr, Pointer to a vector. But you used vector so array and memory management is totally internal to it. And you are using sort which is in-place sorting algorithms means, it modifies the original array, so you have to pass it via reference.

int maxTrains(vector<train> arr[])

This is the correct way.

int maxTrains(vector<train>& arr) //if you want modify original

Second, are you using sort which expects sort(Iterator begin, Iterator end, compare); This is how you call std::sort.

sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(),compare);

This is what you want, the rest works fine. I do not know what exactly you want to do with maxTrain so I am just fixing the errors.

 int maxTrains(vector<train>& arr)
     int ans=0;
     sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(),compare);
     return ans;

Using these lines is a very bad practice.

using namespace std;

Try to be explicitly as much as you can, this way you can learn more.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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