Missmatch Error when running sql query on databricks


I am trying to run a simple sql query on databricks and I am getting mismatch errors. I not sure how to resolve this

sample data

sample data

my code:

select UnitPrice, InvoiceDate
from tester2
where InvoiceDate = 2010-01-12


Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: cannot resolve '(tester2.`InvoiceDate` = ((2010 - 
1) - 12))' due to data type mismatch: differing types in '(tester2.`InvoiceDate` = ((2010 - 1) 
- 12))' (date and int).; line 3 pos 6;
'Project ['UnitPrice, 'InvoiceDate]

datetime and date data types values should be quoted in single quotes :

select UnitPrice, InvoiceDate
from tester2
where InvoiceDate = '2010-01-12'

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