Python regex to return characters after a search term


I'm trying to use regex to extract information from some strings

I can find the text using, but how to get the information provided after the search term?

In the format Ref number ABC123456Ref date 01.01.2000 how can I return ABC123456 and 01.01.2000?

import re
reqd_info = "Ref number"
test_text = 'Ref number ABC123456Ref date 01.01.2000'
res =, test_text)


You can use groups in your regular expression, then use re.findall to get a list of tuples containing the matched groups.

In [1]: import re

In [2]: test_text = 'Ref number ABC123456Ref date 01.01.2000'

In [3]: re.findall("Ref number (.*)Ref date (.*)", test_text)
Out[3]: [('ABC123456', '01.01.2000')]

In [4]: [[number, date]] = re.findall("Ref number (.*)Ref date (.*)", test_text)

In [5]: number
Out[5]: 'ABC123456'

In [6]: date
Out[6]: '01.01.2000'

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