How can I auto-increment the value in a dictionary when there is a difference?

João Santos

It's much easier to explain my doubts with an example:

I have a list with dictionaries of this type,

     'portal_id': 5, 
     'url_imovel': '', 
     'url_photos': {0: '', 1: ''}, 
     'total_photos': 2
     'portal_id': 5, 
     'url_imovel': '', 
     'url_photos': {0: '', 1: ''}, 
     'total_photos': 2
     'portal_id': 5, 
     'url_imovel': '', 
     'url_photos': {0: '', 1: '', 1: ''}, 
     'total_photos': 3

The dictionary is generated as follows:

all_im_fotos = []

    im_fotos = {
        "portal_id" : 5,
        "url_imovel" : str(),
        "url_photos" : dict(),
        "total_photos": int()

    urls = ""
    photos_url = ["", ""]

    im_fotos["url_imovel"] = urls
    for i in range(len(photos_url)):
        im_fotos["url_photos"].update({i: photos_url[i]})
    im_fotos["total_photos"] = len(im_fotos["url_photos"])


    ... same process ...

My question is, how can I compare the insertion of new values. My goal is to create a new dictionary that just insert new values, increasing the index of imfotos. For example:

difference = []
new_imovel = ""
new_url_photos = ["", ""]

There is a new photo for the url "", so we should add the difference by auto incrementing the index, resulting in:

         'portal_id': 5, 
         'url_imovel': '', 
         'url_photos': {0: '', 1: '', 2: ''}, 
         'total_photos': 3

How can I make this as simple as possible? is it possible to save this dictionary as a json file in order to perform the same process later?


is it possible to save this dictionary as a json file in order to perform the same process later?

you can use json.dumps() to convert python dict to json, and use json.loads() to read json file to python dict.



datas = [
     'portal_id': 5, 
     'url_imovel': '', 
     'url_photos': {0: '', 1: ''}, 
     'total_photos': 2
     'portal_id': 5, 
     'url_imovel': '', 
     'url_photos': {0: '', 1: ''}, 
     'total_photos': 2
     'portal_id': 5, 
     'url_imovel': '', 
     'url_photos': {0: '', 1: '', 2: ''}, 
     'total_photos': 3

new_imovel = ""
new_url_photos = ["", ""]
for data in datas:
    if data["url_imovel"] == new_imovel:
        for photo in new_url_photos:
            if not photo in data['url_photos'].values():


        "portal_id": 5,
        "url_imovel": "",
        "url_photos": {0: "", 1: "", 2: ""},
        "total_photos": 3,
        "portal_id": 5,
        "url_imovel": "",
        "url_photos": {0: "", 1: ""},
        "total_photos": 2,
        "portal_id": 5,
        "url_imovel": "",
        "url_photos": {0: "", 1: "", 2: ""},
        "total_photos": 3,

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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