how to create a list of strings consisting of strings and integers?


that's a basic one but I'm stuck.

I want to create a list with combined strings and numbers like [df_22, df_23, ... df_30].

I have tried

def createList(r1, r2):
   return str(list(range(r1, r2+1)))

so it gives me a list of numbers:

In: mylist = createList(2, 30)
In: mylist
Out: '[22,23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]'

I am not sure how to add 'df_' to it because 'return df + str(list(range(r1, r2+1)))' gives an UFuncTypeError.


def createList(r1, r2):
   res = 'df_'
   return res + str(list(range(r1, r2+1)))

In: mylist = createList(22, 30)
In: mylist
Out: 'df_[22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]'

I need my list to be


Out: [df_22, df_21, ... df_30]

Scott Hunter

This does what your title seems to describe:

def createList(r1, r2):
    return str(['df_%d'%x for x in range(r1, r2+1)])

Collected from the Internet

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