Angular6 Material custom form field control with validation errors (mat-error)


How to make a Material custom form field control (like this one) to support form validation and display them with mat-error? I understand that the regular matInput directive uses ErrorStateMatcher (doc) but I don't understand how I can link it with a custom form field.


By looking at some existing component from Material2 (, I found a solution. I created a base class following this example

export const _MatSelectMixinBase:
CanDisableCtor &
HasTabIndexCtor &
CanDisableRippleCtor &
CanUpdateErrorStateCtor &
typeof MatSelectBase =

I had to copy from the Material repo some types like CanUpdateErrorStateCtor.

Then update my constructor to inject a ErrorStateMatcher and finally in ngDoCheck, do this:

ngDoCheck() {
   if (this.ngControl) {

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