Access relation of pivot table in Laravel


I have three models Bill, Product and Process. Bill has a ManyToMany relationship with Product and the pivot table have some extra fields. I write the Bill model class like follow:

    class Bill extends Model
           function products(){
                return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Product::class)
                    ->withPivot('process_id') // the id of the Process 

The Process model is a simple table with an id and a name. I am associating the id in the pivot table for reference the Process, the name could change over time but still referring the same concept so I can't associate the name.

The show page for a single Bill lists the products associated in a table like follow:

@foreach($bill->products as $product)

So the problem is that I need the name of the process, but I have the id. I'm not sure how I could get the name.



I think you can use an own Pivot Model, e.g. ProductBill in order to achieve this.

class ProductBill extends Pivot {

    public function process() {
        return $this->belongsTo(Process::class);


By using this model in your products relation on Bill

class Bill extends Model {

    function products() {
        return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Product::class)


When accessing $product->pivot you should get an instance of MyCustomPivotModel now, hence you should be able to do the following:


(Unfortunatelly I not able to doublecheck right now :/)

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