How to copy meta_value of wp_usermeta to the same table however different meta_key?

Sapien Elva

I am trying to copy the first name to the display name. I created a temporary table call wp_tmp_usermeta. And did a join. However, no rows affected. Whhyyyyyyyy?

Error Message: 0 rows affected. (Query took 0.0213 seconds.)

JOIN (SELECT `meta_value`,`user_id` FROM `wp_tmp_usermeta` WHERE `wp_tmp_usermeta`.`meta_key` = 'first_name') newtable ON newtable.`user_id` = `wp_usermeta`.`user_id`
    `wp_usermeta`.meta_value = newtable.meta_value
    `wp_usermeta`.meta_key = 'nickname'  ;

Desired result is to copy the value of first_name to nickname

sticky bit

If you want to copy (i.e. really duplicate the rows) the first name but keyed as nickname, you don't need a temporary table and no UPDATE. You want an INSERT ... SELECT.

INSERT INTO wp_usermeta
            SELECT 'nickname',
                   FROM wp_usermeta
                   WHERE meta_key = 'first_name';

Collected from the Internet

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