How can I explode a string by commas, but not where the commas are within this («») quotes?

Valijon Rahimov

I need to explode a string by commas but not within quotes(«»).

I have a string like: "5,test2,4631954,Y,«some, string, text.»,299.00 TJS,http://some-link"

i want this result:

 0 => 5,
 1 => test2,
 2 => 4631954,
 3 => Y,
 4 => «some, string, text.»,
 5 => 299.00 TJS,
 6 => http://some-link

Tried with preg_split, str_getcsv but didnt get needed result.

$res = str_getcsv($res, ',');
$res = preg_split("/(?<=\)),/", $res);
Wiktor Stribiżew

If you have no regular quotation marks to take care of in your strings to split, you may get what you need with a SKIP-FAIL based regex:

$s = "5,test2,4631954,Y,«some, string, text.»,299.00 TJS,http://some-link";
print_r(preg_split('~«[^«»]*»(*SKIP)(*F)|\s*,\s*~', $s));

See the PHP demo

Pattern details

  • «[^«»]*»(*SKIP)(*F) - «, 0+ chars other than « and », and then » are matched, the regex engine is moved to the end of this matched text, and then the whole text is removed from the current match buffer and the engine goes on to search for the next match
  • | - or
  • \s*,\s* - a , enclosed with 0+ whitespaces


    [0] => 5
    [1] => test2
    [2] => 4631954
    [3] => Y
    [4] => «some, string, text.»
    [5] => 299.00 TJS
    [6] => http://some-link

Collected from the Internet

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