Rxjs timeout() operator not working in pipe


Hi I've reached a state with the following code where all is working except the timeout:

public monitorTask$(id: string): Observable<TaskResponse> {
    return timer(0, 4000).pipe(
        switchMap(() => this.fetchTaskStatus(taskId)),
        takeWhile(res => this.isInProgress(res), true)

private postTask(id: string) {
        state => {
            if (state.status === "SUCCESS") {
            if (state.status === "FAILURE) {
        (err) => {

Also tried this:

public monitorTask$(id: string): Observable<TaskResponse> {
    return interval(4000).pipe(
        flatMap(() => this.fetchTaskStatus(id)),
        takeWhile(res => this.isInProgress(res.status), true),

I'm expecting the timeout to error out and to enter the (err) block in postTask(), but it never reaches the timeout. I've been playing around with different variants, but don't seem to get it right.. This is the cleanest one I have, so if someone sees what I'm missing I would be really thankful!

Michael D

There are multiple things to consider here.

  1. The timer emit interval (4s) is less than the timeout (120s). So the timeout would never be triggered since the timer emits every 4s.
  2. Piping a timeout to RxJS build-in observable timer makes little sense logically. I believe you wanted to pipe the timeout to the this.fetchTaskStatus() function.
  3. In that case there is one more issue. The mapping operator used here is switchMap, which would cancel the existing inner observable (this.fetchTaskStatus()) when the outer observable (timer) emits. Most probably you're looking for flatMap operator. But beware for each emission of timer, the this.fetchTaskStatus() would be triggered individually.
public monitorTask$(id: string): Observable<TaskResponse> {
    return timer(0, 4000).pipe(
        flatMap(() => 
        takeWhile(res => this.isInProgress(res.status), true),

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