Can not have access to multiple Google Firestore DB in Angular 6 application with angularfire2


I try to have access to multiple Google Firestore DB from my Angular 6 application through angularfire2 package.

I initialized multiple instance of AngularFireModule in app.module.ts but couldn't find a way to have access to both DBs:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    AngularFireModule.initializeApp(coolStoreConfig, 'coolStore'),
    AngularFireModule.initializeApp(perfectStoreConfig, 'perfectStore'),

Any idea?


After some searches around, the following answer could help a lot: angular2firebase - multiple instances using Angular 6

looks like creating providers for each instance can be a good idea

{ provide: AngularfirestoreCoolStoreService, deps: [PLATFORM_ID, NgZone], useFactory: AngularfirestoreCoolStoreFactory },
{ provide: AngularfirestorePerfectStoreService, deps: [PLATFORM_ID, NgZone], useFactory: AngularfirestorePerfectStoreFactory }

I created a stalkblitz which shows how it works:

Collected from the Internet

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