Check which range a number is within

Neil Macneale

I need to find which range a number, in this case value, is within. I cannot find any other way to set i to what I need other than this:

if value < -64:
  i = 0
elif value < -32:
  i = 1
elif value < -16:
  i = 2
elif value < -8:
  i = 3
elif value < -4:
  i = 4
elif value < -2:
  i = 5
elif value < -1:
  i = 6
elif value < -0.5:
  i = 7
elif value < 0:
  i = 8
elif value < 0.5:
  i = 9
elif value < 1:
  i = 10
elif value < 2:
  i = 11
elif value < 4:
  i = 12
elif value < 8:
  i = 13
elif value < 16:
  i = 14
elif value < 32:
  i = 15
elif value < 64:
  i = 16
  i = 17

This is terrible code and I hate it. Is there any way I can do something like this?

ranges = [-64, -32, -16 ... 32, 64]
i = find_which_range(value, ranges)


Thierry Lathuille

Use bisect:

import bisect

ranges = [-64, -32, -16, -8, -4, -2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]

print(bisect.bisect(ranges, -65))
# 0

print(bisect.bisect(ranges, -64))
# 1

print(bisect.bisect(ranges, 63))

print(bisect.bisect(ranges, 64))
# 17

bisect.bisect(l, value) returns the index at which value would have to be inserted in l, such that all values to the left are less than value. It will also be fast to search a large list, as it uses a bisection algorithm.

Collected from the Internet

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