React Router BrowserRouter History Push & Google Analytics


I Have a Carousel Component and I wanted to change the URL so that google analytics could see to which steps the user went (without reloading the page).

I used React Router with its BrowserRouter component to update the route with the help of this.props.history.push(`#${value}`); and withRouter which successfully updates the URL route. But Google Analytics doesn't seem to see the difference... The website site is at this link If you wanna check the behavior:

Roy Scheffers

Normally your Google Analytics details are added to the HTML file triggering a page view when it is loaded. When you visit another page of the same website and Google Analytics is implemented there, it will log the new page.

In a single page application, routing is taken care of on the client without page reloads. What you are looking for is a way to let Google Analytics know that it should log a page view when a certain action is taken. It could be a click event, state change or a route change. It's up to you.

To achieve this you can use the React-GA library. Use it in the following way.

// Import it at the top of the file
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';

// Initialize it once, e.g. in your componentDidMount for example.

// Whenever you want to log anything to Google Analytics, use the below. 

Be careful where you implement the .pageview([url]) function. If you are not careful it might be triggered on a re-render. This would mean you get false page views in you metrics skewing your analytics.

Collected from the Internet

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